Winter Painting Night

If your student is interested in our Winter Paint Night on December 14 from 5:00-6:30 pm with Ms. Day, please click the link below to register. There is only enough space for 40 students in-person, but all are welcome to tune in online and participate from home. Click the flyer link for the Google Meet

Principal’s Update

Hello EML families,  Today we celebrated the conclusion of our Character Strong Trait : Gratitude. This does not mean we stop being grateful, but that we build onto the learning we have displayed. Our next character trait is Empathy. The definition of Empathy is: Our ability to understand and share our feelings with one another. 

Principal’s Update

Hello EML families,  This month kicks off with our new Character Strong Trait : Gratitude. This is just in time for the holiday season and remembering all of the great things we are grateful for. Show signs of gratitude toward your family members, friends and teachers. It is always good to look for the good