About Our Program 项目介绍
Our Two Way Dual Language Immersion Program (TWDL) was established in 2020. The program provides opportunities for students to learn grade level content from TK to 12th grade in two languages enabling them to reach the goal of high levels of proficiency in both Mandarin and English. Upon high school graduation, they are fully qualified to receive the Seal of Biliteracy recognition. We warmly welcome all interested families to join the rewarding program, giving our children an edge in college admissions and more career options in the future.
Students have the opportunity to enroll in the dual language program in TK, kinder or first grade. Within this program, students are presented with the identical English curriculum as their counterparts in English-only classrooms; additionally, they engage with the Mandarin curriculum, with the expectation to achieve the same state standards. The Mandarin program employs an 80/20 model, wherein students begin learning in Mandarin 80% of the time and English 20% from TK to 2nd grade. Upon reaching 3rd grade, the allocation adjusts: English instructional time increases by 10%, while Mandarin time decreases by 10%. Until 5th grade, at which point students are fully immersed in both languages, with each language constituting half of their instructional time. Students interact with their peers using social language and acquire academic language from their teachers.