Principal Update October 13, 2023
Hello Emanuele Families,
We have closed out Week 10 on a Friday the 13th. This date is quite fitting for this festive October season. Students, staff, and families are looking forward to the upcoming events this season. Read on for additional updates of what our school community is working on and looking forward to.
Character Strong Word of the Month
This month we are reviewing the character trait of Responsibility. Check in with your students on what kinds of goals they are setting in class, for themselves or school wide to practice responsibility. Check out this 3rd grade newsletter that shares examples of how you can engage in a conversation with your students about Responsibility.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week is coming up October 27-October 31. This is when we will go through lessons to promote healthy living, a healthy life style, and to stay drug free. More information will be shared with all families as our Student Council and school team members look to promote positive messages now and through the end of October.
Trunk or Treat and Book Fair
We are hosting our annual Trunk or Treat event on Friday, October 27, 2023. If you would like to either donate candy for the event or host a car, please fill out this form to sign up. This is a really fun event so we hope you join us from 5-7pm. In addition to the Trunk or Treat, Mr. Lowe will host the Fall Book Fair at the same time. We are in need of volunteers for the event, so please sign up if you are available through this form.
Have a great weekend,
Nelly Marquez
Assistant Principal